Santa Barbara

Venture Partners

A genuine investment partner with deep expertise in customer acquisition and marketing

Advisors To Our Portfolio Companies

Advisors To Our Portfolio Companies

SBVP Featured in WSJ

Exits Are Few These Days. So One Fledgling VC Firm Created Its Own

Customer Acquisition is Our Specialty

Our portfolio companies get to utilize SBVP’s sales, marketing, & customer acquisition experts who work with them to accelerate revenue growth. We provide expertise in the following areas…

Chart showing the components of the Customer Acquisition Network.


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Dan Engel

Dan Engel

Founder & Managing Partner

Daniel Hedden

Daniel Hedden


Sarah Stark

Sarah Stark

Venture Capital Fund Operations

Jennifer Weisman

Jennifer Weisman

Fund Finances

What CEOs From Our Companies Say

“That was fast, Dan! Thanks for acting so fast on the ask in the investor update!!!”

Matt Lafferty
CEO of Curri

“You fulfilled the most important role of an investor which is to help the founder not give up or lose hope when things are at their darkest…”

Thompson Aderinkomi
CEO and Co-Founder – Nice Healthcare


“SBVP is the most valuable investor from day 1! You guys are awesome! This help is priceless.”

Dmitry Dontov
CEO of Spin AI

Thanks for all of the intros, Dan. You guys are living up to your promise.

Dokto Gurson
CEO and Co-Founder – Rad AI