Investments  >  Mobile1st

Its software and experts increase web store conversion rate for leading e-commerce companies by improving mobile site speed, the user experience, and the mobile shopping cart.


Jonathan Silverstein

Original Investment:

Austin, TX



Software & Digital Services

“Dan brought value that helped Mobile1st not only reinvent itself but achieve positive EBITDA within 20 months. He provided sound guidance (active and responsive) to help me evaluate talent, effectively approach investors, determine the most valuable client prospects, and solidify our committed business plan. Second, his calm demeanor helped provide space for my ideas to be heard/considered, but also to share his suggestions and recommendations genuinely and without being obtrusive. Dan has been one of our biggest champions, sharing his network (when and where most relevant) to bring clients and partnerships to Mobile1st. Clients such as Pura Vida and Repurpose came from Dan’s relationships, as well as partnerships with Blue Triangle, Sum Digital, Buttered Toast, as well as several others.”

Jonathan Silverstein

CEO - Mobile1st